Alternative splicing of the OCC-1 gene generates three splice variants and a novel exonic microRNA, which regulate the Wnt signaling pathway
The Wnt signaling pathway is hyperactivated in most colorectal cancers (CRC). Finding new regulators of this pathway represents the potential for cancer diagnosis or treatment. OCC-1 was initially reported as an up-regulated gene in colon carcinoma, without knowing its mechanism of action. Here, two novel transcript variants and an exonic microRNA that originated from the OCC-1 gene are reported, showing positive effects on Wnt activity. Up-regulation of the known OCC-1 variant (assigned as OCC-1A/B)...
Authors: Najafi, H., Soltani, B.M., Dokanehiifard, S., Nasiri, S., Mowla, S.J. Journal : RNA View at :https://rnajournal.cshlp.org/content/23/1/70