Does corticosteroid have any beneficial effect on voice change after thyroidectomy
Voice alteration is one of the most common complications after thyroidectomy. It has a serious effect on social communication and economic and psychosocial status of patients. It has been hypothesized that inflammation and edema in the surgery site has a major role in voice change after thyroidectomy. This randomized clinical trial study was design to evaluate the effect of a single preoperative dose of steroid on voice change after thyroidectomy. This is a prospective randomized clinical trial with...
Authors: Nasiri, S., Shafag, S., Khorgami, Z., (...), Aminian, A., Hedayat, A. Journal: American Surgeon View at : https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/sesc/tas/2013/00000079/00000012/art00016;jsessionid=ahipdoff8ltoj.x-ic-live-02