Plasma metabolites analysis of patients with papillary thyroid cancer- A preliminary untargeted 1H NMR-based metabolomics
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Metabolomics plays a crucial role in identifying molecular biomarkers that can differentiate pathological conditions.
Metabolomics plays a crucial role in identifying molecular biomarkers that can differentiate pathological conditions. In the case of thyroid cancer, it is essential to accurately diagnose malignancy from benignity to avoid unnecessary surgeries. The objective of this research was to apply untargeted NMR-based metabolomics in order to identify metabolic biomarkers that can distinguish between plasma samples of patients with papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) and multinodular goiter (MNG), as well as PTC and healthy individuals.
The study included a cohort of 55 patients who were divided into three groups: PTC (n=20), MNG (n=16), and healthy (n=19). Plasma samples were collected from all participants and subjected to 1H NMR spectroscopy. Differential metabolites were identified using chemometric pattern recognition algorithms.
The obtained metabolic profile had the potential to differentiate PTC from healthy …
S Adeleh Razavi, Mohammadamin Mahmanzar, B Fatemeh Nobakht M Gh, Zahra Zamani, Shirzad Nasiri, Mehdi Hedayati
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