Stent-and-glue sutureless vascular anastomosis
Vascular anastomosis is commonly done by hand-sewn methods which not only are slow in pace, but also need experiences in surgeons` hands. As the old techniques are replaced by the new ones all the time, it is sensed that a new sutureless approach should be welcomed in the field of vascular anastomosis. Although lots of efforts have been done, such previous recommended techniques are associated with adverse consequences and here is where the need for new methods is still sensed. In this manuscript,...
Authors : Khorgami, Z., Shoar, S., Aminian, A., Nasiri, S., Mahmoodzadeh, H. Journal : Medical Hypotheses View at : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030698771100137X?via=ihub